I have become so bad at blogging, I actually feel bad about it. I have a feeling that my work is going to slow down a ton in the next few weeks so that actually well free up some time, no promises but potentially I could be blogging a ton more by the end of summer :)

We have had a busy few months, shoot who am I kidding we are ALWAYS busy....
In May we had the Walk for Williams, thanks to everyone that came out and supported the event it turned out great! We are planning to make it an annual thing. We raised over 6k for Williams Syndrome and NDHS received an award for there community service. It was truly inspiring and a terrific event for our community.
Emma Turned 6 on Tuesday and it was her last day of school....She has made it to firs

t grade and she is moving forward at level 8 for reading. I can not believe how it all just seemed to click for her one day. Tatum is also learning tons in school, her teachers tell us that she is quit popular at her school. It seems everywhere we go someone knows Tate. She has also been babbling up a storm, she does have some songs and phrases, you can tell she is so close to it all pulling together. It is about time but I have a feeling once she starts talking it's all over for us. July 6 is when Tatum starts back to school for the extended school year so until then she is hanging at KV with Em for there summer program. This summer is going to be huge for Tatum, at least that is my prediction.
Another first for us this year is Emma participation on the swim team. Right now we have only had one swim meet and some practices. Emma is really enjoying it and her attitude toward it is outstanding. Emma is becoming a very caring well behaved little girl, I guess someone did something right with her :).
OOPS how could I

forget it is out favorite time over year!!! The Pool is open!!! And Kerry and her family are coming to visit in 2 weeks WOOOO HOOOOO, I love summer!!!!!
I have missed you!! Tell Emma Happy Birthday from us!! I am glad that both of your girls are doing so well in school. Have fun with Kerry and the fam!
Sounds like you guys are doing great.
You've been doing as good as a job as blogging as me! LOL See you on FB :D
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