Well once again we have been up to everything...We had a great visit with the Clayton's when they breezed through town on the way to CHOP. They were allowed in the house to watch football once Chris explained to Noel the the Redskins are from DC LOL, kidding Noel;) Anyway Tatum and I also got to hang downtown and take in a museum
Emma is rocking and rolling in Kindergarten her first report card was good and she is making some great strides towards reading. Tatum is going to transition to the Child Find program in Feb and also move to the three yr old class at Day care, she is doing awesome. Tate is signing songs finishing sentencing and general making great progression in her learning.
I think our main goal with Tatum is to keep her healthy for her upcoming sedated echo she seems to love to hang on to a cold all winter long and they love to not sedate her...errrr anyway I am about done with Christmas shopping but I have no desire to decorate anyone have a motivators??? I am sure it doesn't help that I have spent the weekend sick, AGAIN.
Sounds like the girls are doing well. Hope you feel better soon. Watch some sappy christmas movies, it works for me. Hope you had a great thanksgiving.
great pics! The girls are doing great! Hey, talk about motivation. I just started Christmas shopping, Let alone decorating, Which I haven't even considered yet. Maybe next weekend?
Hope you had a nice Turkey day. We are having our second T-day at home tomorrow. Yummy!
love ya!
Wonderful post! It's great to see you all together! Hope the echo goes well and the colds and flu keep at bay.
Love you, chica.
Hey you need to get your shit together and get well, whats up? Stress? Late night's out on the town? What gives???lol. I don't think I am doing to decorate this year, feeling lazy....when's the echo?????
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