Kerry and her family got to our home about 9:00 or so on Friday night. It was weird because it certainly did not seem like the first time we had meet. Tom and Chris got along great and the kids had a great time together, Brady and Michael are both just the cutest. I could not believe how light Brady was compared to Tatum, it was like night and day.

morning we all woke up had some good ole Dunkin Donuts for breakfast and s

tarted our day.The kids played so well together all weekend and shared toys nicely.
By the time we were all ready to leave the house we decided that it was just to late in the day to go downtown ( DC) and be back by 4:30 to see the Skins playoff game, so we check out downtown Frederick instead...It was actually a beautiful day to walk around outside.
We got home in time to watc

h the football game ohhh what a sad day for football unless you are a Patriot fan then apparentl

y there is never a bad day. Kerry and her family are just die hard Pat fans, thank god they had a week off, I think Michael taunted Chris enough just because he is a skins fan, who can blame him the Skins are pretty bad.
For the 2nd game, which was also lost by the team I was cheering for :(, Kerry and

I left the kids with the guys and headed out to JP's for a few drinks. We made the guys a gourmet meal including pasta and a chicken sandwich before we left so they were fine HA HA. It was really nice to get to go out with Kerry and have her meet my friends. The weekend went by way to fast, I think it is a safe bet to say we'll all get together again.
Maybe we can visit them this time. Although I am not sure if Tom is ready for that Tatum may eat them out of house and home. He kept saying that girl does not stop eating LOL. We all really did have a great time. The went home Sunday after brunch, Michael wanted to be home in time for the amazing race... Emma just wants then to come back, me too, sooner then later I hope :)