Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Pandora's Box

Well I have had more time to think vent and discuss...I have to admit I am a bit sensitive about Williams Syndrome so that made the article extra hard for me to read and actually see a point in it but it has become a bit clear now...And what does any good American do? Offend people...so raging republicans beware I am going there.... This is not teachers or the schools fault this is our governments fault...I would gladly give back my 300.00 that I received in a Tax cut when bush took office in order to help school funding.....I guess all I can do is hope that our public school system gets some help. As a parent of a Williams child I think awareness is the key since there are different degree's of this syndrome it is going to be our job to now educated since the WSJ left us feeling that ALL Williams kids are like Andrea...

I do realize how frustrating that it could be to have disruptive children in a classroom but it has always been like that 20 years ago there were just not as many labels...I want the best for Emma and Tatum as far as education goes, what parent wouldn't but I also do not want the best for Em at Tatum's expense, is that to much to ask?. I can only hope that 2008 brings change for the better, can it get worse?


Heather said...

Right on sister!! I don't think it can get any worse, unless Cheney would run..Anyway, I know how it is to have your child pushed out of regular ed. because the teacher can't handle it. It isn't always the teachers fault, and God knows that our kids can't help it!! The teachers simply need more support.(and compassion)
No child left behind is a joke..Sorry if I've offended anyone, but things haven't been good for like seven yrs. now

Noel said...

Okay I agree with all of you to some degree. I ditto Heather's comment about No Child being a joke...the "Peer models" that they put in the special ed classes are the "at risk" kids in most cases. So you end up with all these kids with all these varying needs and teachers who raise their hands and say "I'm done" because the Higher ups give them no support and no help when they ask for it! And My thinking right now is the school years are going to be an uphill battle if you don't just sign on the line and let the school do it how they want to do it.
Okay..off my soap box. I also agree with Nancy..I will use the article to my advantage by putting how I feel about what the article says and giving it to the school. Attached with a " let's not let this happen" clause in there.

Katie said...

hmmm i like the idea of showing the article to the school....

oh and thanks heaps for posting the DVD - i will let you know when i get it! :)

Gina said...

Well said, Lisa. As a teacher and a parent of 3 kids, and one with special needs, I was shocked and saddened when I read that article. In my opinion, NCLB does not work. Every year many children are "left behind" because there are no supports put in place and many teachers are overwhelmed. I do my best each and every year but it is difficult. I am constanly going to professional development to better meet the needs of my special little ones through differentiated instruction.That is just what I do on my own because I feel it is my job. My school district does nothing to help. It's a shame. I am a public school teacher but my children attend a Charter School. What does that tell ya???? Have a wonderful 4th of July!!!